‘Fate is Your Muse’ Receives Year End Accolades!
DEVIL TO PAY were honored to be mentioned along with some amazing artists and albums from 2013. ‘Fate is Your Muse’ was included on BloodyGoodHorror.com‘s ‘Eleven Best Metal Albums of 2013’, the Obelisk‘s Top 20 of 2013, and Sam Roon’s (Metal News Online) Top 10 of 2013.
BloodyGoodHorror.com wrote: “This is where we really start to see separation between the ‘very good’ albums of 2013 and the beginning of the ‘great’ albums. Occasionally an album gets by because it’s honest, and frankly, it’s fun. “Fate Is Your Muse” is both of those things. After a life-changing epiphany, singer Steve Janiak took the band in a less doom-centric direction, but the music remains very much a heavy, turned to eleven affair. They might be singing about alien abduction or Mayan calendars, but whatever the subject matter, DtP remains the hardest working band in the Midwest. “
theObelisk.com wrote: “It seemed like no matter where I turned in 2013, Devil to Pay‘s Fate is Your Muse was there. Not that it was the highest-profile release of the year or bolstered by some consciousness-invading viral campaign or anything, just that once the songs locked into my head, there was no removing them, and whether it was straightforward rockers like “This Train Won’t Stop,” “Savonarola” and “Tie One On,” the moodier “Black Black Heart” or the charm-soaked “Ten Lizardmen and One Pocketknife” — which might also be the best song title I came across this year — it was a pretty safe bet that something from the Indianapolis four-piece was going to make a showing on the mental jukebox if not in the actual player (it showed up plenty there as well).”
Sam Roon (Metal News Online) said: “Devil to Pay is one of my favorite underground bands because their live show is so authentic and real that you can’t help but get involved. You become immersed in the entire experience. Their albums have been really, really good in the past, but I think “Fate Is Your Muse” is the first record that captures that live feeling and puts it across the way I feel about the live show. This is a group that some of you might not know yet and I don’t want you to be left in the dark about them. They tour a lot so try to catch them live if you can. Luckily, until then, you can find a ton of their music streaming online.”
You can check both articles in their entirety here: BloodyGoodHorror.com, here: the Obelisk and here: MetalNewsOnline.com
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