DTP Interview up at BloodyGoodHorror.com

Paying the Devil His Due: A Conversation with Steve Janiak

M.DREW: You have a new album out, “Fate Is Your Muse.” Describe how this effort is different from other Devil to Pay records?

STEVE JANIAK: I guess first, it’s coming from a more developed and mature space musically and lyrically. I think also that we had been communicating with Ripple Music, so there was some anticipation of something good happening with them at the time we went to record. So, I believe that attitude of performance and overall vibe was very high. Otherwise, we’ve always kind of done the same thing. Work on a bunch of new jams, put ‘em together, sort through them and pick the ones we like the most. It was business as usual on that end.

read the entire interview here: http://www.bloodygoodhorror.com/bgh/interviews/05/01/2013/paying-the-devil-his-due-a-conversation-with-steve-janiak

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 Updates